April 4: Fadeke Castor Guest Lecture on Black Feminist Ethnographic Lessons From African Diasporic Religions

The Religious Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is delighted to welcome Dr. N. Fadeke Castor, Assistant Professor of Religion and Africana Studies at Northeastern University to campus. On April 4th, 2024, Dr. Castor …

November 10: Professor Langston Collin Wilkins moderating panel, “Roots to Fruits” as part of HIP HOP MIDWEST: HEALING CIRCLE.

November 10, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 pm | 4028 Vilas Hall Panel: Roots to the Fruits of Hip Hop featuring Kamau Rashid & Lacouir Yancey Moderated by Langston Collin Wilkins On November 10 , 4-5:30 …