
Requirements for the Certificate in Religious Studies

A Certificate in Religious Studies is available to undergraduate students. Students who have substantially completed this certificate at UW–Madison (at least 9 credits) and may need one or two courses to complete the certificate may do so immediately after completion of the bachelor’s degree by enrolling in the course as a University Special (nondegree) student.

To earn the certificate, students must complete 15 credits including:

1. Religious Studies Core Courses:

  • Gateway Course: RELIG. ST. 101, or 102, or 103, or 104, or 105
  • Capstone Course: RELIG. ST. 600

2. An additional 9 credits in Religious Studies coursework:

  • Find Religious Studies course descriptions here.

3. Other Requirements:

  • Average GPA of all RELIG. ST. courses must be 2.000 or higher
  • At least 9 credits must be earned in residence on the UW-Madison campus