Requirements for Honors in the Major in Religious Studies
To earn Honors in the Major in Religious Studies, students must complete at least 30 credits as follows:
1. Religious Studies Gateway:
- Complete one 3-credit Gateway Course: RELIG ST 101, or 102, or 103, or 104, or 105
2. Religious Studies Middle Sequence of 9 Credits at 300-level or above
- 3 of these 9 credits must be HONORS
- Find Religious Studies course descriptions here.
3. Religious Studies Electives:
- 9 credits in Religious Studies, can be any level (100 through 699)
4. Capstone Class:
- Religious Studies 600, Religion in Critical Perspective (3-credits, Counts as Accelerated Honors)
5. Honors Thesis Project
- 6 credits, taken as RELIG. ST. 681 and 682
5. Other Honors in the Major Requirements:
- Minimum 3.300 University GPA
- Minimum 3.500 GPA in all RELIG. ST. and major courses
- All Honors classes must have individual letter grades of B or better.