Honors in the Major

Requirements for Honors in the Major in Religious Studies

To earn Honors in the Major in Religious Studies, students must complete at least 30 credits as follows:

1. Religious Studies Gateway:

  • Complete one 3-credit Gateway Course: RELIG ST 101, or 102, or 103, or 104, or 105

2. Religious Studies Middle Sequence of 9 Credits at 300-level or above

  • 3 of these 9 credits must be HONORS
  • Find Religious Studies course descriptions here.

3. Religious Studies Electives:

  • 9 credits in Religious Studies, can be any level (100 through 699)

4. Capstone Class:

  • Religious Studies 600, Religion in Critical Perspective (3-credits, Counts as Accelerated Honors)

5. Honors Thesis Project

  • 6 credits, taken as RELIG. ST. 681 and 682

5. Other Honors in the Major Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.300 University GPA
  • Minimum 3.500 GPA in all RELIG. ST. and major courses
  • All Honors classes must have individual letter grades of B or better.