
Requirements for the Major in Religious Studies

To earn a major in Religious Studies, students must complete at least 30 credits as follows:

1. Religious Studies Core Courses

  • Gateway Course: RELIG ST 101, or 102, or 103
  • Capstone Sequence: Two capstone courses, RELIG ST 600 and RELIG ST 601

2. Additional credits in religious studies to bring credits in the major to 30

  • At least 9 credits must be completed at the 300 or higher level.
  • All students must fulfill the L&S requirement of at least 15 credits of upper-level work in the major completed in residence. Religious Studies courses numbered 208, 209, 212, 227, 234, 235, 237, 253, 257, 261, 270 and all courses numbered 300-699 count toward this requirement.