2021 Summer and Fall Courses

RS courses SummerFall 2021
Click to open a more detailed pdf course listing for Summer and Fall.

Summer 2021

Number                Title Instructor
403 Topic: US Religions, Race, and Gender Swartzentruber

Fall 2021 Courses

Number Title Instructor
102 Exploring Religion in Sickness & Health Norman
173 Consuming Happiness Whelan
203 Jewish Law, Business, and Ethics Rosenblum
234 Genres of Western Religious Writing Rosenhagen
236 Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters Jones
305 Women, Gender, and Religion C. Rock-Singer
307 A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism Khedup
342 In Trans: Mythology of Scandinavia Mellor
473 Meditation in Indian Buddhism & Hinduism Buhnemann
600 Religion in Critical Perspective C. Rock-Singer

Note: RS 600 will be offered only in Fall in 21-22.
RS 601 (capstone for majors) will be offered only in Spring in 21-22.

A Comprehensive list of Religious Studies courses can be found in the Religious Studies course list page in the Guide.


Please Note: 600 and 601 are offered for majors and certificate students who meet the requirements for authorization. Because religious studies is an interdisciplinary program drawing upon many departments, some courses may have prerequisites in their home departments that must be fulfilled even though the prerequisites themselves have no bearing on progress within the religious studies major. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have met all the prerequisites to enter a course before they enroll in it.