November 2: Dr. Quincy Newell Lecture: Black and American Indian Mormons and the Scripturalization of Mormon Texts

The Religious Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is excited to announce that Dr. Quincy Newell will be giving the lecture “Black and American Indian Mormons and the Scripturalization of Mormon Texts” on Thursday, …

April 24: Sacred Art and Censorship in the Hispanic World: Mary’s Lactating Breast, Prof. Charlene Villaseñor Black

2023 Howard S. Schwartz Memorial Annual Lecture Series “Sacred Art and Censorship in the Hispanic World: Mary’s Lactating Breast” Professor Charlene Villaseñor Black Professor of Ibero-American Art and Chicano/a Studies, UCLA Monday, April 24th, 2023 …

April 13: “The Dynamic Spread of Buddhist Print Culture: Mapping Book Roads under Mongol Rule” with Professor Susan Huang, Rice University

The Art History Department will host Professor Susan Huang, a leading scholar in Daoist and Buddhist studies in China and the silk road, for this year’s Gombar/Duychak Lecture. Dr. Huang will lecture on “The Dynamic …